The Influence of Listening English Song to Improve Listening skill in Learning Class

Journal Review : The Influence of Listening English Song to Improve Listening skill in Learning Class Hallo everyone, welcome back to my blog! In my last blog, I have shared about the research method and literature review of the journal. In this blog, I will share about the Song as Media to Improve Listening Skill For comprehend and understand learning in listening class, listening skill is very important. Comprehend text and understand the conversation that learn in the class are need the good listening skill, therefore improving listening skill is very fundamental for mastering it. Thus, in order to can masters learning, someone needs to get used to train the ability to listen. There are so many way to improve listening skill such as try to often listening exercise, learning pronounciation, trying listening, and listening english conversation. There are many methods for improving listening skill such as video, movie, song, etc. The authors already taken re...