The Influence of Listening English Song to Improve Listening skill in Learning Class

Journal Review : The Influence of Listening English Song to Improve Listening skill in Learning Class

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Song as Media to Improve Listening Skill

For comprehend and understand learning in listening class, listening skill is very important. Comprehend text and understand the conversation that learn in the class are need the good listening skill, therefore improving listening skill is very fundamental for mastering it. Thus, in order to can masters learning, someone needs to get used to train the ability to listen. There are so many way to improve listening skill such as try to often listening exercise, learning pronounciation, trying listening, and listening english conversation. There are many methods for improving listening skill such as video, movie, song, etc.

The authors already taken research and interviewed 5 english students, they choosen song fo improve their listening english skill. From the in formans, it can concluds that listening english song are give many benefits impact, such as can make the listener accustomed to listening, the listener will be familiar to listen the new vocabularies, train the native pronounciation, making easier to learning english and tells the grammatical english. The english song also can motivate the listener to learn english because the listener wants to know what is the meaning of the song, it can build the curiosity about the song also the english. The listeners can start to listeng teh song that they like, it can make learning english especially learning listening is more fun. With listening english song, listeners will improve their skill in scrutinizing. The listeners who always listening english song will accustomed to listen english words. Thus, in listening class  they will master and comprehend the leraning easier.

From all of the informans that already authors interviewed, they agree that listening english song is very effective to improve listening skill, they also agrre that listening english song can improve their comprehenship of vocab, pronounciation, native speakers accents, grammatical words and make their esier to master the listening class.

Listening English Song Can Improve the Pronounciation

Pronounciation is a way in which in language or a particular word sound is spoken. When you are listening english song, you also will follow to sing the song, so listening english song will  also learning pronounciation in a good pronounciation based on the singer who is native speaker. Leraners also will leran about the words which have the similar sound and form, lerners can leran about it through listening the song and can learn to distinguish it. In larners also can imrpove pronounciation in different way, it is listen the song and then write the lyrics of the song, check on the original lyrics for fine the mistakes of our writing, if you are right then check the meaning of the word in dictionary. For knowing about our ability in speaking, we can check it in the speaking class. Based on the informans, they scors are improving the before learn with english and after learn with english song. So listening english song will improve our skill in spekaing especially in pronounciation, because we will also follow to sing the song, it will make we learn speaking from native speakers.

Listening English Song Can Improve Mastery Vocabulary

The students that listen english song will improve their mastering vocabulary, it because when they learn new song, they will also get many new vocabularies from the song. The first informan said that when she listens english song, she will usually leran the unknown vocabularies.  From listening english song, students also will learn about synonim and idiom. When students want to understanding the song, they also must know the synonim of the words and the idiom's meaning, it because song use many synonim and idiom. Students will focus when they listen the words that consist in the song. Students will remember the word on the song and will search the meaning in the dictionary. Thus, from that students will find the others words either from the song or even from dictionary. It will improves student's vocabulary unconsiously on fun way.

to be continue....

Source :
Listyaningsih Tri, 2017, The Influence of Listening English Song to Improve Listening Skill in Listening Class, IAIN Surakarta, Vol. 1 No. 1, ISSN 2579-9703 (P) | 2579-9711 (E).


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