Journal Review : The Influence of Listening English Song to Improve Listening skill in Learning Class

Journal Review : The Influence of Listening English Song to Improve Listening skill in Learning Class

Hallo everyone, welcome back to my blog!
In my last blog, I have shared about the introduction of the journal. In this blog, I will share about the research method and the media for learn listening.

1.    Research Method

This journal is using qualitative approach about the influence of English song to improve listening skill. The authors interviewed 5 students that is majoring in english education in fifth semester, the author assumes that the students already have basic ability to listen and have experience in learn listening. The authors also reviewed the literature from various sources such as books, internet, journal and other resources related on research key issues.

2.    Learn Listening by Media

There are so many learning media that can improve listening skill such as song, video, conversation, etc. Listening is skill for accept and analysis the massage in the communicate process. Listening is the basic skill to can communicate effectively. Learners with good pronounciation are more likely to understood even if they make errors. Pronounciation also includes attention to the particular sounds of language and aspects of speech beyond the individual sounds, such as intonation, stress, rhytm, vowel and consonant (voice and voiceless).

A vowel is a sound in spoken language that is characterized by an open configuration of the vocal tract  so that there is no built up of air pressure above the glottis. Vowel sounds are produced by air from lungs which vibrate when the air in the mouth is not blocked. 

to be continued....

Source :
Listyaningsih Tri, 2017, The Influence of Listening English Song to Improve Listening Skill in Listening Class, IAIN Surakarta, Vol. 1 No. 1, ISSN 2579-9703 (P) | 2579-9711 (E).


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