Educational System in Indonesia and Other Country

Assalamu’alaikum.. Hallo guys, welcome back to my blog! Last week, we talked about relationship, heart, love, men and women. But, in this era, life isn’t just about love, love isn’t enough. The other important thing is education, even love also have education. So, today we are going to talk about education, and we will compare between educational system in Indonesia with in other country. A few days ago, I read in an article about the educational system in Morocco, which is a country in North Africa. I found some similarities and differences in the educational system between Morocco and Indonesia. Some similarities and differences are: Indonesia and Morocco have 4 stages of education, namely basic education, early middle school, middle school and tertiary education. his education period is the same, namely 6 years for primary education, 3 years for early middle school and 3 years for middle school, bu...