Educational System in Indonesia and Other Country
Assalamu’alaikum.. Hallo guys,
welcome back to my blog!
Last week, we talked about relationship,
heart, love, men and women. But, in this era, life isn’t just about love, love isn’t enough. The
other important thing is education, even love
also have education. So, today we are going to talk about education, and
we will compare between educational system in Indonesia with in other country.
A few days ago, I read in an article
about the educational system in Morocco, which is a country in North Africa. I
found some similarities and differences in the educational system between Morocco and Indonesia. Some
similarities and differences are: Indonesia and Morocco have 4 stages of
education, namely basic education, early middle school, middle school and
tertiary education. his education period is the same, namely 6 years for
primary education, 3 years for early middle school and 3 years for middle
school, but at the undergraduate level has a difference that is 3 years in Morocco and 4 years in
Indonesia and Morocco are countries with
a majority of the population is Muslim, but different with Indonesia, Morocco applies
Islamic education in its educational system, the main language is Arabic, while
the second language is French. In Indonesia the Ministry of Education is the
highest ministry in regulating education, while in Morocco, the highest council
that regulates education is the Ilmi Council appointed directly by the king,
the Ministry of Education is under the auspices of the scientific council, any
study planning or curriculum made by the Ministry of Education must be approved
by the Ilmi Council, the Ilmi Council will also test the curriculum, whether
the curriculum is in accordance with Islamic values based on Maliki madzhab or not. Maliki madzhab is an official madzhab that used in Morocco. In Indonesia, curriculum must be made based on the Pancasila values, and the cultural values
that develop in the society, and must refer to the educational objectives
in Indonesia.

Education is important for human life
anywhere and in any country. Each country has a different educational system,
such as Morocco and Indonesia which have similarities and differences in the
education system.
I think it is enough for this blog, do you have
any opinion about countries with education system that have simillarities and
differences with Indonesia? Please comment
Thank you so much for visiting here, I
wish it can useful for you.
I’am sorry if I have any mistakes in this writing, I’am still learning.
Good bye... Assalamu’alaikum...
keep strong in learning guys^-^
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