Men and Women have a different Character, cause Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus.

Assalamu'alaikum... Hallo guys, how are you? 
Welcome back to my blog! ^-^

Last week, I have read and discussed an article of a book about "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" by John Gray, it is my assignment from my lecturer. We can take many message from this book, there is about characteristic of women, characteristic of men, how to make a good relationship, how to be a good partner, and so on.

Why does men and women always fight in a relationship? because men and women has different characters, even inversely. Based on the article that I read, men are egoist, he emphasize herself even though victimize others. In other side, women are very care to other, although she victimize herself. Men act with logic, but women act with heart. That is the reason why men often hurt women. Men love if their abilities are recognized and valued, and hate if they are insulted and ignored. Women love their feelings to be recognized and valued, and hate them if they are ridiculed and ignored. Men prefer to solve their problems on their own way, work alone and don't want to be helped, while women always want to be helped in solve their problems. that's why men are difficult to share their problem to women, while women always tell whatever the problems to men, even though it doesn't need to be told. Men must be a good listener for women.

Men talk to the point, they will be talk if they think that is important for talked, whereas women talk all about their feelings, and always connecting with the past, it is the cause men and women always fight.
From this book, we can take a solution to have a good relationship, there are men must be a good listener for women, cause women are the good speaker, they will speak anything and anywhere. Men should appreciate women's feelings, men also must act with feelings not just logic, men don't become selfish, just because they want to have more, they badly leave their partners, life is not as easy as it. Women also must understanding men, if men want to solve their problems own, let give them space, give them credibility, they want their ability be valued. Women also don't to much to speak, cause not all of men is a good listener. I wish you always have a happy relatiomship, always happy in every situation.

If we talk about relationship, I have a bad experience about that. My father left my mother when I was child, he left us just because he love more rich women. Maybe he thinks that is a little problem, but just because his selfish my mom's, my sisters's and my life broken. That is the reason why I hate somuch someone who leave her/his family or partners just because her/his selfish.

Btw, do you guys have a relationship with someone? or do you have a bad experience about your relationship? if you want, you can share in the comment..:)
I think it's enough for this blog, I wish you enjoy it, and can useful for you...
I'am sorry if this blog have many mistakes, I'am still learning.
Thank you somuch fo visiting here, have a nice day!^-^


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