Journal Review

Journal review :
Issues in Taeching English in a Cultural Context : a Case of Indonesia

Hello everyone welcome back to my blog!
In this blog, I will share the review of the Theoritical Background of the journal, here it is...

Cultural Context for Teaching English

The word ‘culture’ derives from the Latin word ‘colere’ and ‘cultura’ that means a process of harnessing or growing, of refinement’ (Wadham, Pudsey, & Boyd, 2007). Wadham describes that cultures has some components, there are symbols and signs, language, vakues and meaning, beliefs, norms, rituals, and material objects. These symbols and signs used by humans and humans are making meaning by it.

2.    Language
Language is the signs and symbols that spread in a orderly ways. With language, people can distinguish the true and wrong thing by determined  many values as the standars and criterias for distinguish it, these standards and criterias are called norms. People use language in their daily activity, they use it often, so it will be their habbit. This habbit will create language as the media to express values, belief, and their interpretation.

3.    Culture and Language
Brown (2007, p. 132) argued that culture is a way of life within which people exist, think, feel and relate with others that binds them together. Because of this, people see the world with their own cultural comprehension and assume that it is the most correct perspective. This misunderstanding may happen in their language learning, especially in learning english. They will think that learning english just for foreign language, because teaching and learning english cannot be separated from english culture as as ‘a language is a part of a culture and culture is a part of language’ (Brown, 2007, p. 133). It can make the issues appear.

Thank you for reading my blog, see in the next review ^-^

Source :

Suryanto, issues in teaching english in a cultural context: a case of Indonesia.


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