Journal Review

Journal review :
Issues in Taeching English in a Cultural Context : a Case of Indonesia

Hallo everyone, welcome back to my blog! In this blog, I will review the second journal. For the first I will review the introduction of the journal.
Lets read :)

There are approximately 6800 languages in the world (Brown & Ogilvie, 2009) and english is the most used language, especially in scientific researches. This proved with more than 90% of scientific journals written in english.

There are 3 circle of english user in the world : 
  1. The inner circle user is someone who use english as the first language, the total inner circle english users are 408 million around the world.
  2.  The outer circle user is someone who use english as the second language, the total outer circle english user are 418 million around the world.
  3. The expanding cirlce user is someone who use english as the foreign language, the total of this circle are 306.9 million around the world.

In country that use english as foreign language, people made meaning about language that has relation with social interactions and cultural contexts. 

The goal of this article is to investigate the cultural issues that may has relation and impact to inner circle english in the processes of learning and teaching english.

We already know that Indonesia as the country that has so many cultural contexts, so in this article the author will share about the issues in teaching english in indonesian cultural contexts.

I think that's all enough for the review about the introduction, see you soon in the next blog about review other part of this journal. 
Thank you for read my blog, have a nice day !

Source :
Suryanto, issues in teaching english in a cultural context: a case of Indonesia.


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