The Influence of Listening English Song to Improve Listening Skill in Listening Class

My Fourth Semester Activity : Journal International Review

Hallo guys, how have you been? I'am so glad to see you again after took a rest for a long time. In this moment, I will share you about my international journal review. The title of journal is The Influence of Listening English Song to Improve Listening Skill in Listening Class. This journal is a work of Mrs. Tri Listiyaningsih from IAIN Surakarta.

The reasons why I choose this journal because this journal has relation with me. I like music, I enjoy to learning english with music. I know that learning english with music can improves my listening skills, but I want yo know more what are the other advantages of learning english with music.
This journal will explain about the advantages of learning english with music. First, I will to tell you about the stucture of the journal are :
  1. Title
  2. The author's name
  3. Abstract
  4. Keywords
  5. Introduction
  6. Research
  7. Learn listening by media
  8. Song as media to improve listening skills
  9. Listening English song can improves the pronounciation
  10. Lisntening english song can improves mastery vocabulary
  11. Conclusion
  12. Reference

Here, I will to represent the introduction of the journal. This journal claims that listening skill is very important and as a base for speaking and writing. One of  the way to learn english is with listening to the music. When listening to the music, especially english songs, we unconciously studies the ears to be able to listen comprehensively, we also can understand the meaning of text listening. Through listening students will be able to get a good pronounciation, understand about the good words, phrases and sentence. On the EFL students, learning english is very difficult, even the teacher also use the boring method like speech, it makes students difficult to get a good communication.

To be continued...

Source :
Listyaningsih Tri, 2017, The Influence of Listening English Song to Improve Listening Skill in Listening Class, IAIN Surakarta, Vol. 1 No. 1, ISSN 2579-9703 (P) | 2579-9711 (E).


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