The Influence of Listening English Song to Improve Listening Skill in Listening Class

My Fourth Semester Activity : Journal International Review Hallo guys, how have you been? I'am so glad to see you again after took a rest for a long time. In this moment, I will share you about my international journal review. The title of journal is The Influence of Listening English Song to Improve Listening Skill in Listening Class. This journal is a work of Mrs. Tri Listiyaningsih from IAIN Surakarta. The reasons why I choose this journal because this journal has relation with me. I like music, I enjoy to learning english with music. I know that learning english with music can improves my listening skills, but I want yo know more what are the other advantages of learning english with music. This journal will explain about the advantages of learning english with music. First, I will to tell you about the stucture of the journal are : Title The author's name Abstract Keywords Introduction Research Learn listening by media Song as media to improve lis...