Naming Traditions

    Hello guys, welcome back to my blog! Last week we talked about the story of my name, and today we are going to talk about naming traditions in the world. What is the tradition that your parents used for your name? 
   After married, a woman will changes her name with her husband's name, if She has son or daughter, her children will use the surname, this is the name tradition. But, have you know that every country in the world have a different naming traditions? let's we check in this article below!

   If usually the surname will keep in the last name but  different with other country, some country of Asia keep their surname in their first name. Based on the article above in paragraph 5, placing the family name or surname is common among a number of Asian cultures, for example Vietnamese, Hmong, Chinese, Cambodian and Korean. 
   In the otherside, based on paragraph 6, Mexican naming has a different tradition. when a woman marries, she keeps her maiden name and add her husband's last name after the wor de (of). For example, after marrying Tino Martinez, Maria Gonzales will changes her name become Maria Gonzales de Martinez. when they have childrens, the name order is : given name, father's family name, and mother's family name. For example, the daughter of  Tino and Maria is named Anita Martinez Gonzales.

   India is a country with rich cultural heritage. From the moment a child is born, starting from her name to the various nuptial traditionsal practices the family follows. in the Hindu tradition, on the 12th day after birth of the child, a Namkaran ceremony is conducted to name their newborn babies. The name is decided astrologically on the basis of the time and place of birth of the child. Traditionally, the father of the baby whispers her name in her ears before announcing officially to others. This name is usually called as the birth name and is written in the Janam Patrika of the baby.
   The naming ceremony in Shikhs takes place when the baby is around 6 weeks old usually in Gurudwara. The name is taken from the verse also called Hukam from Guru Granth Sahib which decides the first letter of the name, The name constitutes of of a first, middle and last name. The middle name distinguishes the gender. The name 'Kaur' is for females and 'Singh' for males.

   There are the several naming traditions in the world, every country has the unique tradition that give deferences with other country. But, the most important thing is the pray behind the name, the wishes of the parents. According to you, Which is the most unique tradition? Do you have your own naming tradition? Please mention it in the comment.
Thank you for visiting this blog, I wish you enjoy it. To be honest, I write this blog for my reading assignment, so I'am really sorry if this blog has mistakes, I'am still learning.
Thank you!!!


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