
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2018

Naming Traditions

    Hello guys, welcome back to my blog! Last week we talked about the story of my name, and today we are going to talk about naming traditions in the world. What is the tradition that your parents used for your name?     After married, a woman will changes her name with her husband's name, if She has son or daughter, her children will use the surname, this is the name tradition. But, have you know that every country in the world have a different naming traditions? let's we check in this article below!    I f usually the surname will keep in the last name but  different with other country, some country of Asia keep their surname in their first name. Based on the article above in paragraph 5, placing the family name or surname is common among a number of Asian cultures, for example Vietnamese, Hmong, Chinese, Cambodian and Korean.     In the otherside, based on paragraph 6, Mexican naming has a different tradition. whe...

The Name with The Story

" A name have a thousand story" you know this quotes?  Yeah, this quotes has the meanings, and it is about my name too. Name is prayer, hope and love from parents to their children. But,  did you ever hate your own name?  I say yes,  I ever hated my name. The first time I hated my name is when I was in elementary school, when my teacher asked me "is it really your name Depi Rahmawati with P not V? ". I said "yes". Since that,  I always hear the same question from other people, they ask me with laughing. Why my name use P not V?  Is it because I'am sundanese? No, it is false. This happened because of the wrong writing during the making of my birth certificate, I was born in the midwife's clinic, and was made a birth certificate by the clinic, but apparently the clinic was wrong in making the deed, whereas my previous name was DEVI RAHMAWATI using V not P. My name also has a meaning, namely Devi which means the abbreviation of my father's...