Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro Chapters Summary Summary: Chapter 5 Kathy recalls her involvement with the secret guard, a small group of students dedicated to protecting Miss Geraldine from a supposed kidnapping plot. Led by Ruth, the guard collects “evidence” linking various guardians and students to the plot. Although the details of the plot are always vague, the guard believes that it will involve the woods behind Hailsham. Students generally fear the woods, passing down frightening stories about former students who died there. One rumor involves a boy found with his hands and feet cut off, while another is about a little girl who starved to death. Kathy and her friends once “punished” their classmate Marge K. for embarrassing them by forcing her to look at the woods at night through a window. Kathy remembers that everyone in the secret guard helped to maintain the “fantasy” of the plot, even after outgrowing it. By way of explanation, she describes an inc...